Sierra Leone Mission Update - July 2017
The East Ohio Conference has an ongoing commitment to mission and minstry in Sierra Leone. Though our local United Methodists weren’t able to schedule a UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers In Mission) mission trip to Sierra Leone in 2017, that doesn’t mean nothing is happening. We have a core group of volunteers who are in regular contact with Methodist programs in Sierra Leone. There are ongoing programs we can support with our contributions and prayers. Our two areas of focus are health care and supporting the work of the local pastors and church groups.This summer and fall, Christ UMC will be taking a collection to continue our support of Manjama Health Center, Advance #13760N. Due to a lack of focus, we have collected less than $5 so far this year! We can do better! Manjama clinic provides important health services to the surrounding villages.
Our current team leader is Constance Clark, who traveled to Sierra Leone in 2013 with Susan Haddox. Our District Supervisor Benita Rollins is also a member of our team. Benita and Constance are trying to schedule an August trip, to meet with church, health care, and other local representatives, to build relationships and to lay the groundwork for a larger team in 2018. For example, we have American physicians and nurses who want to be able to work with the local hospitals to exchange knowledge and to perform surgeries, which requires advance preparation. (Update: the August trip has been canceled because Constance is unable to travel then.)
Our team also includes Dwight Caulker and his wife who were born and raised in Sierra Leone and now live in Northeast Ohio. Last year, they raised money to help fund the construction of modern toilet facilities for a housing settlement in the capital. The project is making good progress. They have also shipped thousands of plastic trash bags. There is no regular garbage collection in most of the country, and something as simple as a plastic trash bag is not available. This year they collected a truckload of donated medical, sanitary, and other supplies, which they have just sent by cargo ship. Unfortunately, they did not have enough funds to ship all the material they had collected. During an upcoming personal trip in September, they will oversee the toilet construction and distribution of supplies. With more funds, they can ship more supplies next year.
The people of Sierra Leone are still struggling to overcome the ravages of the civil war and of the Ebola crisis, both of which have had lasting consequences on the infrastructure, the health care system, and the economy. The UMC has been at work to restore hope and services to the people. Please support our brothers and sisters in Christ through your prayers and contributions to the Advance.