Discernment is the process of recognizing where God is active in your life, your community, and your world, and listening closely to hear what God wants you to do. Prayerful discernment involves letting go of preconceptions about the direction that the answers will take, instead remaining open to the leading of God. The Wesleyan quadrilateral of scripture, tradition, reason, and experience can help us to test the questions we bring to the process against these important elements of Christian wisdom.
This week use Wesleyan Discernment to seek guidance on the following question: How is God calling me to serve God in my relationships with family and friends?
Begin with scripture. What scriptural passages shed light on family relationships? What role does family play in the spiritual growth of biblical characters?
Next consider tradition. How do Christian creeds, statements of faith, or other teachings address the family? What did Wesley teach about Christian families? What do your trusted spiritual friends or pastors say about living your faith with family and friends?
Third, look to reason. In what ways do your relationships with family and friends bring you closer to or draw you away from God? In what ways do you embody Christ for your family?
Finally, weigh the question against your experience. How has God spoken to you through family and friends? When in your family relationships is your heart warmed?
What action is God guiding you to take in deepening your relationship to God through family and friends?