Praying through Journaling

September 17, 2017 ~ Prev | Intro | Next

During September we are focusing on how journaling can enhance our prayer life.

This week we will practice having a conversation with God on paper. In this conversation, you open yourself to be a conduit of the Holy Spirit. It may seem strange to write both sides of the conversation, writing both your thoughts and God’s thoughts, but try it and see how God speaks to you.

Open by asking God to engage you in conversation.

Take a piece of paper and make two columns. One column is your side of the dialogue; the other column is for God.

Start by asking God a question or sharing a thought or concern that is weighing on your heart.

Listen for a response and write it down. Write down any thoughts, phrases, ideas that emerge. Don’t get hung up on whether the thoughts are coming from you or God. Just remain open. God can speak to us through our minds, if we but listen.

As you write down words, or perhaps images, in God’s column, continue the conversation in your column, responding to the thoughts, asking further questions, or answering questions God may ask you.

When the conversation seems to have come to a stopping point, thank God for the opportunity to deepen your relationship.

Lord, make us who you want us to be.