Praying through Creativity: Writing and Art
August 20, 2017 ~
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During August we are focusing on how creativity can enhance our prayer life.
When we think of creativity, the arts often come to mind first. Drawing, painting, composing music, “creative” writing are all ways that explicitly use our abilities to imagine and make new things in new combinations. These activities can be a powerful way to connect to God, to express things that cannot be put into words or that require a story, not a statement, to tell the truth.
The urge to create in art and words is found across cultures and times. Nearly every child loves to color and draw. Often as we age, we suppress those urges, perhaps because we see the result as inadequate and feel self-conscious. We stop creating because we fear failure, or even ridicule. Worries about judgment by ourselves or others may inhibit us from expressing all of our God-given gifts.
This week, select an artistic medium through which you will pray. For some of you, this may come easily. For those for whom it does not, put aside any concerns you may have about judgment and create freely. Don’t worry about the final product—the process of creation is the prayer. Open yourself to communicating to God through art, music, story, or poetry.
You can create freely or use one or more of these ideas as a starting point: Read a favorite scripture passage and draw what comes to mind. Or rewrite the story from another character’s point of view. As you are praying for people or events this week, write your own psalm. This may be a psalm of praise, thanksgiving, or lament. Or simply color a picture or a mandala as your prayer, such as the one on the back.