Praying through Creativity: Creating Christian Story

August 27, 2017 ~ Prev | Intro | Next

During August we are focusing on how creativity can enhance our prayer life.

Praying through creativity can help us to see God’s presence in our daily lives, as we work, volunteer, spend time with our families and friends, and serve our communities. One way to open our eyes to the potential of our everyday life to reveal God is through creating stories.

Teresa Blythe in 50 Ways to Pray suggests imagining yourself as a movie producer, making a film that represents Christian themes. Select 4-5 words, such as Redemption, Reconciliation, Compassion, and Transformation. Create a story line that illustrates these themes, without using explicit religious or biblical language. Or if you are stuck, think about movies that illustrate those themes. Consider the life circumstances, words, and actions of the characters that make those themes emerge.

Reflect on how you feel your creativity flow through this exercise. How do you feel God’s presence as you create?

After trying this exercise, apply the process to the story of your real life. Where do you see central Christian themes played out in the actions of your friend and co-workers? How do your own words and actions shape the story?

How might imagining yourself in as part of a larger narrative help you to feel God’s presence with you? How might it help you think about the power of sanctifying grace?